About Rooted Wellness



Bioenergetics is not a reactionary response to disease, anxiety, depression, trauma healing or limiting belief systems. It is so beautifully far outside the current medical model. It is rooted in the understanding of quantum healing, with a foundation that your body already has everything it needs to live in radiant health. Bioenergetics can source and strengthen your entire body system. It can reenergizing and re-inform your body field. It can help to create an environment to switch your nervous system out of fight or flight mode, allowing deep healing. It can help make space to strengthen the immune system and create a bioenergetic environment resistant to pathogens.


I am not a doctor. I am an energy medicine practitioner, herbalist and teacher. I am someone who wants to take a wholistic view of your system. My goal is to support you to become more physically, spiritually and emotionally healthy. My place is to assist your body to heal. I have come to learn that the body has the innate ability to heal from any challenge. Rooted Wellness can help you tap into your power! I know that you are the only true expert of your body, so I am someone who would like to be a part of your healing team. 

We live in a society where everyone is trying to convince you that they are right. This is usually a fear based system within the arena of health and wellbeing. Healing cannot take place in the presence of fear. Healing comes with grace and ease. There is so much I don’t know. I am not here with all the answers. I am not here to convince you that my approach is right. I am here to help you feel for yourself what works in your body. What a gift this is to learn and grow. My promise to you is that I will always tell you when I don’t have an answer and I will commit to helping you uncover a piece of it. I will help you find your areas of resistance and learn to work with them as your greatest teacher. I believe this is the path to true healing and it will look completely different for each unique person. 

I grew up in the dark shadow of the American medical system. My mother was sick with cancer my whole childhood. I watched and felt powerless. I learned that we are weak and vulnerable. I learned that we must give our power over to doctors in white coats in order to have any chance of survival. These beliefs sunk into my bones. Eventually I became really sick and depressed as an adult. I was starting to repeat these patterns that I had seen my whole life. I was chasing symptoms, seeking every expert on the planet to suppress them. I was giving all of my power over to doctors, trained to keep people alive. But, all of this exists in a system created to prolong life, not nourish wellness.  My journey brought me to my knees. It gifted me with an ability to see beyond this flawed system. Eventually I finally began asking: What if there is another way? What if these symptoms are actually a roadmap to my true health??  Rooted Wellness was born to help you explore these questions too. Together we will look deeper. Together we will uncover the roots. We will nourish and support, re-inform and re-educate your system. We will embrace living in a whole new way. 


Learning to be a steward of your own spirit is the ultimate path toward healing. Healing ourselves, healing each other, healing the planet....... It all starts with taking responsibility for healing our own hearts.